Tuesday 24 May 2016

Test Park Football Festival

On 11th May we went to Test Park to practise and improve our football skills. We played matches, dribbled the ball and took shots into the mini goals. My best bit was when we played matches because I scored two goals.

'A' Team

Mixed 'A' and 'B' teams

Aedan 2CR

Thursday 17 March 2016

Year of Mercy

We started off by writing some hearts to show how we can be merciful to create a Holy Door into our little Prayer House in the Foundation playground. Next we made some little hearts of how we've been merciful each day and we stick them to our display next to our classroom. Then Miss Baileff taught us how to teach mercy to others around us, the teachers and the school.
Also we started learning about God's Spirit through a song we learnt in music. We have also learnt how Jesus showed himself to be God through his miracles.

Guadalupe 2SB

The Lost Sheep

As part of our RE topic on Lent, we looked at the parable of the Lost Sheep. We were asked to retell it.

The Lost Sheep by Matty

I was happily grazing in the warmth of the sun. I wanted to go somewhere out of the field so I sneakily crept out of it. While I was creeping out the shepherd counted them. "One...two...ninety-nine...a hundred..." By that time I was gone. "Baa..." I bleated. I saw a silvery gold glitter in a rock so I carefully walked across a narrow rock-made passage and...BOOM! It crashed! It was very scary but the shimmering was a polished rock. I felt it and no... IT WAS A CRYSTAL! I kept it in my fur.
Suddenly, my shepherd came for me! How was he going to save me? He stretched his crook across the gap. He tip-toed across his crook and took me back to the field and took the crystal out of my fur. Nowadays he keeps the crystal in a jar to remember what happened.

Matty 2JH

Thursday 28 January 2016

Year 2 learn about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole - the people who made hospitals better!

Last Thursday, January 21st, something exciting happened in Year 2. We saw a theatre group who acted the stories of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. Also we acted, learnt facts, sang songs and raps about them and freeze-framed pictures about their lives.

Some facts we learnt include:

  • They were amazing people.
  • Florence Nightingale was called the Lady of the Lamp.
  • They looked after soldiers during a war.
  • Hospitals were made better.
  • Florence started a school for nurses to train them properly.
 It was fun because it felt like we were actually there.

Written together by 2SB

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Dear Amy,

I took a break from the café today and went to Itchen Valley Country Park. First I jumped off the minibus and strolled until I was standing in front of a humongous puddle. I took one deep breath and tried to leap to the other side. I was terrified when I looked down. I thought I was going to fall into the puddle! Luckily it was my eye vision from high above as I landed safely across.

Sayoga 2JH

Thursday 5 March 2015

Trip to Itchen Valley Park

Dear Kitty

I had a day off today. I went to Itchen Valley. I met a lady who guided me. First I made a snail out of clay.
My snail
Next I made a flag and Mrs Petch hung it up on a tree. Then our time ran out and we started the mini beast hunt. I found a centipede and three worms. Then we had lunch time. We washed our hands and then we ate lunch. Soon after I did the fun trail through the woods. When we got to the end we played in the park. Finally we went home.
It was the best day ever!


Reiss 2JH